
In the movie Wonder Woman, Steve Trevor says to Diana: “If you see something wrong happening in the world, you can either do nothing, or do something.” While this comment is self evident, it nevertheless has resonated with me over the years. As I’ve never been much for quietly watching from the sidelines, I’ve always sought to be proactive in making a difference. Since I was in the sixth grade, I have been fortunate to be able to work with children and families in vulnerable populations that daily face challenging situations. Few things have been as satisfying and rewarding to me as helping, and trying to bring joy to, children in need.

When COVID-19 started and every piece of news became disheartening, I felt an even greater calling to try and do something. After seeing John Krasinski’s Some Good News, and witnessing the impact it had on both children and adults, I was inspired to create this blog in order to share optimistic stories of people performing individual acts of kindness, and in doing so, One Person at a Time was born!

Emily Albert, creator of One Person at a Time

I am currently in college at the University of Pennsylvania. In addition to my academic coursework, my interests include photography, dance, and helping other people.