Donating is one way that you can make a positive impact on these communities.

If you have any questions, please email me at

Deb Wasser

Children’s Aid Society

God’s Love We Deliver


Deb creates special events and parties at the Children’s Aid Society, an organization that provides support to children who are growing up in poverty, many of whom often have unstable family lives and physical and/or emotional stress. To learn more about this organization, please visit

Deb volunteers for “God’s Love We Deliver.” She buys groceries and delivers them to people who are immunocompromised, elderly, food insecure, or who, for other reasons, can’t go out to get food. To learn more about this organization, please visit

Paul Hirsch

Fairfax Community of Schools


Paul, Fairfax Community of Schools Administrator (COSA), oversees 16 schools that range from early education through high school, which include around 10,000 families and 400 teachers. Throughout the Fairfax community of schools, there is a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds as well as a digital divide, meaning some students have laptops and connectivity while others don’t. To learn more about this organization, please visit

Isa Zweiback

Be The Match


Isa Zweiback donated peripheral stem cells through the Be The Match organization in the midst of a global pandemic. Be The Match matches donors with people who have different types of cancers. There are certain kinds of cancers that can be cured through these matches. Donors can donate peripheral stem cells or marrow. To learn more about Be The Match, visit their website:

Rahul Culas

Visiting Nurse Service of New York (VNSNY)


New York Cares


Rahul started his work with Visiting Nurse Service of New York (VNSNY) in 2013. Hospice typically cares for people who have fewer than six months to live. Hospice’s goal is to ensure that a patient’s quality of life is as high as possible, given the limited amount of time they have left. To learn more about VNSNY, visit

Rahul balanced his difficult work with hospice by volunteering with DOROT. With DOROT, he works with people who are vibrant and very physically healthy, but who feel socially isolated or lonely. DOROT has multiple programs to help socially connect older adults, primarily in New York City, with peers and other generations. Rahul says that he loves the genuine mission-driven nature of all the people at DOROT (they love what they are doing and the impact they have). To learn more about DOROT, please visit

Rahul described New York Cares as a fun organization, as it offers so many different activities. New York Cares has volunteers in all five boroughs of New York City that help in places like schools, public parks, soup kitchens, and senior centers. To learn more about New York Cares, visit