Rahul Culas
Volunteer with New York Cares, DOROT, and Visiting Nurse Service of New York (VNSNY), and a founder of 1585 Capital
Rahul has devoted himself to multiple volunteer efforts, and recently, he has even started a new business whose goal is to help older adults age meaningfully in place. Rahul has volunteered with New York Cares, DOROT, and Visiting Nurse Service of New York (VNSNY). He is compassionate, selfless, and humble, always helping others. Rahul performs acts of kindness all the time and has made a tremendously positive impact on not only the people for whom he volunteers, but also on the people in his personal life.

Isa Zweiback
Peripheral Stem Cell Donor through Be The Match Foundation
As a sophomore in college this past spring, Isa Zweiback did something truly inspiring: she donated peripheral stem cells through the Be The Match organization in the midst of a global pandemic.
Isa selflessly donated peripheral stem cells -- inspiring on its own -- but even more so because it was when a virus was spreading throughout the world, and many people would never have considered doing this out of the health risk.

Paul Hirsch
Paul Hirsch has devoted his entire career in education to helping students achieve what they never thought possible. As a teacher, then a principal, Paul has made a positive difference in the lives of hundreds of students. While he was principal at STEM Academy, Paul’s dream was to help students enter the healthcare field and become doctors. One of Paul’s main roles was to support teachers and to help them help students. In his newly appointed role as Fairfax Community of Schools Administrator (COSA), Paul will expand his impact to thousands more students. In his new position, he oversees 16 schools located in an economically challenged area of Los Angeles. Paul now helps principals help teachers help students.
Paul is passionate about encouraging students to organize their thoughts. One of his main goals is to build and amplify their voices. He is truly inspiring in all of the different, creative ways he helps students. One outstanding example that Paul implemented early in his time at STEM Academy was in motivating students to focus on their academics by providing them with a fun and exciting reward. A lifelong skateboarder himself, Paul built a skate park on campus for the students. He tied eligibility to skate with an after school tutoring program, thereby creating a safe space for kids to have fun while ensuring that they kept up with their work.
Deb Wasser
Deb Wasser is the founder of Family Disco at Children‘s Aid Society. Deb creates special events and parties for kids in underprivileged communities or in homeless shelters. Being celebrated gives the children a sense of self-confidence and worth. They become the center of attention and feel special, something that is often missing in their lives.
Through Family Disco, Deb has made a huge impact on these communities. Parents have told Deb that this is the first time their kids have ever had a party or even a cake with their name on it. These parties give the kids something to look forward to and a reason to be positive and happy in general.